bl_info = { "name": "Game Exporter", "description": "Exports the game data.", "author": "Austin Morlan", "blender": (2, 93, 0), "location": "File > Export > Game (.bin)", "category": "Import-Export", } import bpy import math import re import os import numpy as np import wave from dataclasses import dataclass from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty from bpy.types import Operator @dataclass class Vertex: position: np.array normal: np.array texcoord: np.array @dataclass class Texture: data: bytearray width: int height: int channels: int @dataclass class Material: name: str texture: Texture @dataclass class Mesh: name: str material_idx: int indices: list vertices: list @dataclass class Collider: position: np.array extents: np.array @dataclass class Tile: x: int y: int @dataclass class Audio: name: str data: np.array length: int channel_count: int sample_rate: int volume: np.array is_looping: bool @dataclass class Transform: position: np.array rotation: np.array scale: np.array @dataclass class Object: transform: Transform def load_mesh(materials, mesh): # Calculate triangles and split normals mesh.calc_loop_triangles() mesh.calc_normals_split() # Collect all of the indices so that we know how many unique vertices we have indices = [] max_index = 0 for tri in mesh.loop_triangles: loop_idx0 = tri.loops[0] loop_idx1 = tri.loops[1] loop_idx2 = tri.loops[2] indices.append(loop_idx0) indices.append(loop_idx1) indices.append(loop_idx2) max_index = max(max_index, max(loop_idx0, max(loop_idx1, loop_idx2))) indices = np.array(indices, dtype="uint16") vertices = [None] * (max_index+1) for tri in mesh.loop_triangles: vert_idx0 = tri.vertices[0] vert_idx1 = tri.vertices[1] vert_idx2 = tri.vertices[2] loop_idx0 = tri.loops[0] loop_idx1 = tri.loops[1] loop_idx2 = tri.loops[2] p0 = np.array([ mesh.vertices[vert_idx0].co[0], mesh.vertices[vert_idx0].co[1], mesh.vertices[vert_idx0].co[2]], dtype="float32") p1 = np.array([ mesh.vertices[vert_idx1].co[0], mesh.vertices[vert_idx1].co[1], mesh.vertices[vert_idx1].co[2]], dtype="float32") p2 = np.array([ mesh.vertices[vert_idx2].co[0], mesh.vertices[vert_idx2].co[1], mesh.vertices[vert_idx2].co[2]], dtype="float32") n0 = np.array([ tri.split_normals[0][0], tri.split_normals[0][1], tri.split_normals[0][2]], dtype="float32") n1 = np.array([ tri.split_normals[1][0], tri.split_normals[1][1], tri.split_normals[1][2]], dtype="float32") n2 = np.array([ tri.split_normals[2][0], tri.split_normals[2][1], tri.split_normals[2][2]], dtype="float32") t0 = np.array([[loop_idx0].uv[0],[loop_idx0].uv[1]], dtype="float32") t1 = np.array([[loop_idx1].uv[0],[loop_idx1].uv[1]], dtype="float32") t2 = np.array([[loop_idx2].uv[0],[loop_idx2].uv[1]], dtype="float32") v0 = Vertex(p0, n0, t0) v1 = Vertex(p1, n1, t1) v2 = Vertex(p2, n2, t2) vertices[loop_idx0] = v0 vertices[loop_idx1] = v1 vertices[loop_idx2] = v2 material_idx = 65535 if len(mesh.materials) > 0: material = mesh.materials[0] if material != None: material_name = mesh.materials[0].name for i, m in enumerate(materials): if == material_name: material_idx = i break return Mesh(, material_idx, indices, vertices) def load_material(material): node = material.node_tree.nodes['Image Texture'] data = bytearray([int(p * 255) for p in node.image.pixels]) width = node.image.size[0] height = node.image.size[1] channels = node.image.channels texture = Texture(data, width, height, channels) return Material(, texture) def load_transform(item): position = np.array([round(item.location.x, 4), round(item.location.y, 4), round(item.location.z, 4)], dtype="float32") rotation = np.array([round(item.rotation_euler.x, 4), round(item.rotation_euler.y, 4), round(item.rotation_euler.z, 4)], dtype="float32") scale = np.array([round(item.scale.x, 4), round(item.scale.y, 4), round(item.scale.z, 4)], dtype="float32") return Transform(position, rotation, scale) def load_collider(c): position = np.array([round(c.location.x, 4), round(c.location.y, 4), round(c.location.z, 4)], dtype="float32") extents = np.array([round(c.scale.x/2, 4), round(c.scale.y/2, 4), round(c.scale.z, 4)], dtype="float32") return Collider(position, extents) def load_collision(collision): colliders = [] for c in collision: colliders.append(load_collider(c)) return colliders def load_layout(layout): tiles = [] for t in layout: # Offset origin (-1) and scale (/2) # Tiles are 2x2 in world but we want to view them as 1x1 for routing purposes x = (t.location.x - 1) / 2 y = (t.location.y - 1) / 2 tiles.append(Tile(x, y)) return tiles def load_audio(items): audio = [] for i in items: path = bpy.path.abspath(i.fv_audio_source.file_path) wav =, 'rb') frame_count = wav.getnframes() channel_count = wav.getnchannels() sample_rate = wav.getframerate() sample_width = wav.getsampwidth() volume = np.array(i.fv_audio_source.volume, dtype="float32") is_looping = i.fv_audio_source.is_looping data_bytes = wav.readframes(frame_count) int_to_float = 1.0/32768.0 data_int = np.frombuffer(data_bytes, dtype="int16") data_f32 = [] for d in data_int: val = float(d*int_to_float) data_f32.append(val) data = np.array(data_f32, dtype="float32") audio.append(Audio(, data, frame_count, channel_count, sample_rate, volume, is_looping)) return audio def traverse_children(obj): if len(obj.children) == 0: return [] for child in obj.children: children = [] children += traverse_children(child) def load_node(node): children = traverse_children(node) for child in children: print(child) def serialize_meshes(fp, meshes): mesh_count = len(meshes) fp.write(mesh_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) for m in meshes: name = name_length = len(name)+1 fp.write(name_length.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) fp.write(name.encode('UTF-8')) fp.write("\0".encode('UTF-8')) fp.write(m.material_idx.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) index_count = m.indices.size fp.write(index_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) fp.write(bytearray(m.indices)) vertex_count = len(m.vertices) fp.write(vertex_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) for vertex in m.vertices: fp.write(bytearray(vertex.position)) fp.write(bytearray(vertex.normal)) fp.write(bytearray(vertex.texcoord)) def serialize_materials(fp, materials): material_count = len(materials) fp.write(material_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) for m in materials: name = name_length = len(name)+1 fp.write(name_length.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) fp.write(name.encode('UTF-8')) fp.write("\0".encode('UTF-8')) fp.write(m.texture.width.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) fp.write(m.texture.height.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) fp.write(m.texture.channels.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')) fp.write(bytearray( def serialize_object(fp, obj): fp.write(bytearray(obj.transform.position)) fp.write(bytearray(obj.transform.rotation)) fp.write(bytearray(obj.transform.scale)) def serialize_objects(fp, objects): object_count = len(objects) fp.write(object_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) for obj in objects: serialize_object(fp, obj) def serialize_collider(fp, collider): fp.write(bytearray(collider.position)) fp.write(bytearray(collider.extents)) def serialize_colliders(fp, colliders): collider_count = len(colliders) fp.write(collider_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) for collider in colliders: serialize_collider(fp, collider) def serialize_layout(fp, layout): tile_count = 32 tiles = [0] * tile_count for tile in layout: x = int(tile.x) y = int(tile.y) value = tiles[y] | (1 << (31-x)) tiles[y] = value fp.write(tile_count.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')) for tile in tiles: fp.write(tile.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')) def serialize_audio(fp, audio): audio_count = len(audio) fp.write(audio_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) for a in audio: name = name_length = len(name)+1 fp.write(name_length.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')) fp.write(name.encode('UTF-8')) fp.write("\0".encode('UTF-8')) fp.write(a.length.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')) fp.write(a.sample_rate.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')) fp.write(a.channel_count.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')) fp.write(bytearray(a.volume)) fp.write(a.is_looping.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')) fp.write(bytearray( def serialize_world(path): print(f'Serializing world') materials = [] for m in if == "Dots Stroke": continue material = load_material(m) materials.append(material) meshes = [] for m in mesh = load_mesh(materials, m) meshes.append(mesh) coins = [] for o in['Coins'].objects: transform = load_transform(o) obj = Object(transform) coins.append(obj) eyeballs = [] for o in['Eyeballs'].objects: transform = load_transform(o) obj = Object(transform) eyeballs.append(obj) pedestals = [] for o in['Pedestals'].objects: transform = load_transform(o) obj = Object(transform) pedestals.append(obj) score_hundreds = Object(load_transform(["ScoreHundreds"])) score_tens = Object(load_transform(["ScoreTens"])) score_ones = Object(load_transform(["ScoreOnes"])) score_coin = Object(load_transform(["ScoreCoin"])) score_collider = load_collider(["ScoreCollider"]) # Collision colliders = load_collision(['Walls'].objects) # Level layout layout = load_layout(['Layout'].objects) # Load audio music = load_audio(['Music'].objects) sfx = load_audio(['SFX'].objects) fp = open(path, "wb") fp.write("AJM".encode('UTF-8')) fp.write("\0".encode('UTF-8')) serialize_meshes(fp, meshes) serialize_materials(fp, materials) serialize_objects(fp, coins) serialize_objects(fp, eyeballs) serialize_objects(fp, pedestals) serialize_object(fp, score_hundreds) serialize_object(fp, score_tens) serialize_object(fp, score_ones) serialize_object(fp, score_coin) serialize_collider(fp, score_collider) serialize_colliders(fp, colliders) serialize_layout(fp, layout) serialize_audio(fp, music) serialize_audio(fp, sfx) fp.close() def export(path): serialize_world(path) return {'FINISHED'} class ExportGame(Operator, ExportHelper): bl_idname = "game_export.scene_text" bl_label = "Export Game (bin) File" filename_ext = ".bin" filter_glob: StringProperty( default="*.bin", options={'HIDDEN'}, maxlen=255) def execute(self, context): return export(self.filepath) def menu_func_export(self, context): self.layout.operator(ExportGame.bl_idname, text="Game (.bin) Custom") def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(ExportGame) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_export.append(menu_func_export) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(ExportGame) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func_export) if __name__ == "__main__": register()